I've just swapped a site over to another win2000 server. The site has loads of forms some of which were done using FP components. With a handful of the forms I get the following error
'Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions' Smart HTML interpreter on this non-HTML page'
the forms have also have '[FrontPage Save Results Component] ' at the top as if in 'preview' mode.
Any ideas before I kill bill gates????
I've just swapped a site over to another win2000 server. The site has loads of forms some of which were done using FP components. With a handful of the forms I get the following error
'Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions' Smart HTML interpreter on this non-HTML page'
the forms have also have '[FrontPage Save Results Component] ' at the top as if in 'preview' mode.
Any ideas before I kill bill gates????