I have created a site map using insert - web component - table of contents - this web site. However, it seems to include all pages, including my discussion board, images on my picture gallery and .pdf documents. How do I stop it showing files I don't want included. They don't appear on my navigation so I can't see how to solve it?
Also, how do I rename file names that appear in the table of contents? For example, I have .pdf documents which have short names in .pdf but which could with longer titles if they are going to appear in the table of contents, but I can't find a way to do that. Any ideas, anyone, please?
Also, how do I rename file names that appear in the table of contents? For example, I have .pdf documents which have short names in .pdf but which could with longer titles if they are going to appear in the table of contents, but I can't find a way to do that. Any ideas, anyone, please?