I'm developping a usefull vb macro for Excel.
I want to open a .rpt file created with Crystal Report 8.5, the data is extract from an ODBC database installed on a AS400.
What I'm able to do:
#1- I can open the .rpt file in Crystal, update the data and save everything as an excel spreadsheet.
#2- I can use my excel-macro on a computer were Crystal is already installed and do the same as in #1.
What I want to do is to do #2 but on a machine were Crystal is not installed. I already looked in runtime.hlp file to find the required dll. I think I would need p2sodbc.dll but I don't know how to register correctly dll's. In Excel I've installed the CRXDTL.dll.
My best wish would be that my macro open the .rpt file and use the database path and info contain in that file.
I give below my code so it can be used by others and also for troubleshouting. Do I need any other librairies or command?
I used the tips ".discardsaveddata" in order to constrain the program to download new data from the database.
Thanks for help!!
I'm developping a usefull vb macro for Excel.
I want to open a .rpt file created with Crystal Report 8.5, the data is extract from an ODBC database installed on a AS400.
What I'm able to do:
#1- I can open the .rpt file in Crystal, update the data and save everything as an excel spreadsheet.
#2- I can use my excel-macro on a computer were Crystal is already installed and do the same as in #1.
What I want to do is to do #2 but on a machine were Crystal is not installed. I already looked in runtime.hlp file to find the required dll. I think I would need p2sodbc.dll but I don't know how to register correctly dll's. In Excel I've installed the CRXDTL.dll.
My best wish would be that my macro open the .rpt file and use the database path and info contain in that file.
I give below my code so it can be used by others and also for troubleshouting. Do I need any other librairies or command?
I used the tips ".discardsaveddata" in order to constrain the program to download new data from the database.
Thanks for help!!
Sub from_AS400_to_Excel()
Dim crystal1 As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim rapport As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim exportoptions As CRAXDRT.exportoptions
Set rapport = crystal1.OpenReport("h:\ghis\SFO.rpt", crOpenReportByTempCopy)
Set exportoptions = rapport.exportoptions
'Tips to constrain the download of new data
With exportoptions
'define destination -> here disk file
.DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
'path for output file
.DiskFileName = "h:\ghis\testB.xls"
'define output format -> here excel 8.0
.FormatType = crEFTExcel80Tabular
End With
'Download data and export to excel -> false mean no
'parameter windows
rapport.Export False
End Sub