Hi all, currently I'm trying to write to a file (which is going rather well )
However I need to be accurate with where I place certain pieces of data and from looking at the PHP docs fput() looks like the thing to use.
The PHP.net docs on fput are either far too complex for me, or a little vague.
so can anyone give me a fine example that really shows me whats what here please?
$myname="karver-and-im-abit-dim"; <-max length is 8 character, how would I get this to appear at character 15(i.e 15 blank spaces before it)on a line and not be longer than 8 characters.
int fputs ( int fp, string str [, int length])
Party on, dudes!
However I need to be accurate with where I place certain pieces of data and from looking at the PHP docs fput() looks like the thing to use.
The PHP.net docs on fput are either far too complex for me, or a little vague.
(PHP 3, PHP 4 >= 4.0.0)
fputs -- Writes to a file pointer
int fputs ( int fp, string str [, int length])
so can anyone give me a fine example that really shows me whats what here please?
$myname="karver-and-im-abit-dim"; <-max length is 8 character, how would I get this to appear at character 15(i.e 15 blank spaces before it)on a line and not be longer than 8 characters.
int fputs ( int fp, string str [, int length])
Party on, dudes!