I've got an older Thinkpad (500Mhz, 384MB RAM) that I really don't want to part with. It's been running Win2K for 9 years, and now some kind of trojan has snuck by my F-Prot, and won't leave. F-Prot caught and killed the same trojan on my Vista-64 machine. I'd like to install XP Pro on the Thinkpad - will pay for a legal install - the closest thing I could find was an XP Pro Install disk on but the details said it was for a tablet PC. The price is right - $19.95 - but I'm wondering if it would work on a vanilla machine without a touch-screen. I want to do a full install, reformat the drive, so an upgrade isn't the solution. Any suggestions for a legal XP install disk, or should I just give up and put Ubuntu Linux on it with Wine ?
Fred Wagner
Fred Wagner