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Fresh build 1

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Technical User
Apr 16, 2008
We have a spare 3300 which mitel didnt want to buy back, so we decided to use it for testing purposes. Unfortunatly, it doesnt have any support contract any more, and after attempting to load it with relase 8 software, its bricked.

I can get into the system via the console connection and have tried setting the IP and all the details up but still it wont boot.

Any ideas or does anyone have any step by step guides?

We have the Release 8 software on a disk, and would apply the update over the network, however, is it possible to plug a cd rom via usb?

The USB port is indeed able to support an external CD ROM. But, this port is only used for installing MSL on the APC card in some models.

Updating 3300 software is done via FTP. You need to install the software on to a FTP server in the FTP server's default directory. Then you tell the 3300 where the FTP server is. If you have the disk, then you will also have the Release Notes. I would recommend following the directions for Manual Software Install, rather than a software upgrade.

Just curious, what size is the hard drive in the box. It should be 80 Gb for release 8. If it has 40 Gb, then you may have a failed drive. Most of our upgrades to rel 8 fail rather quickly due to this.
tommylux, drop me a message on tvman_us at yahoo dot. com

slapin, I hope you dont mind me posting this on the forum.

I have a bit more background now;

This switched once worked, when we inherited it. We jumped on the console, followed some instructions to change the IP Address. By just changing the IP Address, part of the boot line had changed, I don’t know how, but we kept receiving boot line error messages.

Mitel gave me some boot parameters, which got us past the error in boot line, however, I cannot ping the switch over the network. Nor do phones.

The phones identifies Vlan2 for voice, but don’t get past DHCP discovery. I have tried manually setting myself directly on Vlan2, and also directly plugged into the 3300, and have tried both LAN ports, and still cannot ping from the laptop.

I have a copy of release 8 software, I don’t know if I should be trying to get this to work with its current software, or set up a ftp and load R8.

Below you will find a console dump of the 3300.


Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc.

CPU: Mitel MMC-C PPC82XX F2000
Version: VxWorks5.5.1
BSP version: 2.2/1
Creation date: Oct 5 2006, 14:44:03

Press <SPACE><SPACE><SPACE> to stop auto-boot AFTER countdown starts...
[VxWorks Boot]: c

'.' = clear field; '-' = go to previous field; ^D = quit

boot device : ata=0,0
processor number : 0
host name : bootHost
file name : /partition1/RTC8260
inet on ethernet (e) :
inet on backplane (b):
host inet (h) :
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) : ftp
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): ftp
flags (f) : 0x0
target name (tn) :
startup script (s) :
other (o) : motfcc0

[VxWorks Boot]: @

boot device : ata=0,
unit number : 0
processor number : 0
host name : bootHost
file name : /partition1/RTC8260
inet on ethernet (e) :
gateway inet (g) :
user (u) : ftp
ftp password (pw) : ftp
flags (f) : 0x0
other (o) : motfcc0

Disk Configuration Started.
Creating block device for controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating CBIO device for controller 0 drive 0... done.
Attaching to partition table for 4 partitions on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 0 (/partition1) on controller 0 drive 0... do
Creating Cache Layer for partition 1 (/partition2) on controller 0 drive 0... do
Creating Cache Layer for partition 2 (/partition3) on controller 0 drive 0... do
Creating Cache Layer for partition 3 (/partition4) on controller 0 drive 0... do
Creating Dos FS device for partition 0 (/partition1) on controller 0 drive 0...
Creating Dos FS device for partition 1 (/partition2) on controller 0 drive 0...
Creating Dos FS device for partition 2 (/partition3) on controller 0 drive 0...
Creating Dos FS device for partition 3 (/partition4) on controller 0 drive 0...
Disk Configuration Complete.
Loading /partition1/RTC8260...54900784
Starting at 0x10000...

Disk Configuration Started.
Creating block device for controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating CBIO device for controller 0 drive 0... done.
Attaching to partition table for 4 partitions on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 0 (/sysro) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 1 (/db) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Cache Layer for partition 2 (/vmail) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 0 (/sysro) on controller 0 drive 0... done.

Creating Dos FS device for partition 1 (/db) on controller 0 drive 0... done.
Creating Dos FS device for partition 2 (/vmail) on controller 0 drive 0... done.

Disk Configuration Complete.
/vmail/ - disk check in progress ...

dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is being reset to THU JUL 31 08:06:14 2008
Value obtained from file system volume descriptor pointer: 0x1f1a13f8
The old setting was THU JAN 01 00:00:01 1970
Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27 00:00:00 1990
/vmail/ - Volume is OK

total # of clusters: 1,908,023
# of free clusters: 1,855,379
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 14,495 Mb
max contiguous free space: 14,243,692,546 bytes
# of files: 714
# of folders: 152
total bytes in files: 417,061 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0

volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0x1f1a13f8
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0x1f1af310
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 202
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0

current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x23a0000
- total number of sectors: 30,558,213
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 16
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 14,921
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 29,874
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2

FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 191 clusters
- free space on volume: 15,199,297,538 bytes
/db/ - disk check in progress ...

/db/ - Volume is OK

total # of clusters: 1,205,657
# of free clusters: 1,200,557
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 18,758 Mb
max contiguous free space: 19,352,043,526 bytes
# of files: 710
# of folders: 162
total bytes in files: 70,566 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0

volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0x1f1a8330
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0x1f3af3a0
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 202
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0

current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x1040000
- total number of sectors: 38,599,848
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 32
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 9,424
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 18,880
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2

FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 121 clusters
- free space on volume: 19,670,056,966 bytes
/sysro/ - disk check in progress ...
/sysro/ - Volume is OK

total # of clusters: 602,406
# of free clusters: 545,690
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 2,131 Mb
max contiguous free space: 1,860,087,808 bytes
# of files: 8,009
# of folders: 376
total bytes in files: 203,478 Kb
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0

volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0x1f1af268
cache block I/O descriptor ptr (cbio): 0x1f3cf878
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR | DOS_CHK_VERB_1
max # of simultaneously open files: 202
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0

current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x5e0000
- total number of sectors: 4,828,698
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 8
- # of reserved sectors: 32
- FAT entry size: FAT32
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 4,716
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 0
- first cluster is in sector # 9,464
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE
- directory structure: VFAT
- root dir start cluster: 2

FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 61 clusters
- free space on volume: 2,235,146,240 bytes
Attached TCP/IP interface to motfcc unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done

Adding 129920 symbols for standalone.
-> Last reset cause was (0x103) SOFTWARE_RESET

There is no host relink.
There is no relink on the disk.
31/07/2008 08:06:32> SoftLog - WARNING - MSPLogServer - OtpLogs.cpp(57)
PostSoftwareLogA: Called before calling OtpLogStartup

31/07/2008 08:06:32> SoftLog - INFO - MIFSM - MiFsmEventUtil.cpp(25)
Internal Message
RegisterEventUtil - Task: N/A
Registering event utility for FSM engine ID 0

31/07/2008 08:06:32> SoftLog - INFO - MIFSM - MiFsmEventUtil.cpp(25)
Internal Message
RegisterEventUtil - Task: N/A
Registering event utility for FSM engine ID 2

relink_call_ctors start
relink_call_ctors done

Executing S10startup script

Disabled L2 Switch port 2

Copy OK: 1204 bytes copied
...Creating appStartup.log
11/11/2008 16:39:26> SoftLog - WARNING - MSPLogServer - OtpLogs.cpp(600)
OtpLogStartup: Log server already started. Request ignored.

OtpLogs_Toggle: The following software logs are enabled:
OtpMaintenanceLogs_Toggle: The following maintenance logs are enabled:
MiSslInit(): entry
MiSeedRand(): Start RandStatus = 0
MiSeedRand(): End RandStatus = 1
SysServices::appStartup: Logs to be redirected to DataServices!
deleting file /db/database/__db.001
Copy OK: 2613248 bytes copied
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/hdrswlog.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/pstswlog.db2
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/registry.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/sysconfg.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/wbsspddl.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/wbsspdlb.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/bookmark.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/bookmklb.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/prsnldir.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/calllogs.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/keylabls.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/ipconsol.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/webstapp.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/wsonlser.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/alrmctgy.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/sysalrmd.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/usrprfle.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/xaregapp.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/vmhntgrp.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/wireless.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/vmnumprt.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/prstcnfg.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/vmoption.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/vmemail.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/nrkelemt.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/opsmangr.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/dmal2dat.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/mixmlapp.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/mixmlfeat.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/netelmcr.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/dsttrnlog.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/distpayl.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/dstupdat.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/icpclust.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/clicppbx.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/udmntcfg.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/udmaccnt.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/lcimetad.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/lcimembr.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/lclneid.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/unseqnbr.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/neprops.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/lciclscp.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/lcideftn.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/deideftn.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/dercddst.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/clstrmbr.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/vqsmeta.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/vqstats.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/audtmeta.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/auditlog.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/sippeers.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/siproute.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/pginfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/pginfhl.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/sysipass.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/spteluri.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/spotprxy.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/sipnecor.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/files/urinumxl.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/idbver.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/iLinkProp.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/iPCallNSF.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/iPCallHLC.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/iCPNinfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/iCPNdata.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/iIDC.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/iRLK.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/idbfiles/iODR.db

Management Layer AVS SUCCESSFULLY started.

ChubSp SUCCESSFULLY started.

ResourceAlarmStartup ready.
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelDhcpClientEntry.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelDhcpServerGeneral.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelDhcpServerSubnet.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelDhcpServerRange.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelDhcpServerStaticIp.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelDhcpServerOption.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelDhcpServerLease.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelIpGrpFilter.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelFltGrpAccessRestrict.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelMIPSLan.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelMIPSWan.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelMIPSPptp.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelMIPSSwitch.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelMIPSSwGrpPort.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelPPPGrpPPPoE.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelIpLogGrpLog.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/PppSecuritySecretsTable.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/IpCidrRouteTable.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelIpGrpDns.wdb
Database verification passed: /db/ipndb/odb/files/MitelDiffServ.wdb

Layer 2 Switch IP address is
Voice VLAN 2, Priority 6.
CFE ENV - update environment.

MIPS Service Provider SUCCESSFULLY started.

MIPS Logger Task SUCCESSFULLY started.

Retrieved memory size 0x20000000
Set Emulator to LARGE

Call Engine Layer Coordinator SUCCESSFULLY started.

Reminder: use -d option when running dbasrv from command line.
UDT msgsys userID is 436314440.
Database verification passed: /db/nvmdb/files/databver.db
Database verification passed: /db/nvmdb/files/nvmusers.db
IPN DBA Starting up!!
No Email Params found... Email Task not started.
adding names to certificate
added CN = mitel networks icp web server
added CN = vxtarget
added CN =
added CN =
added CN =
added CN =
added CN = quinton1
added CN =
cert modified

Management Layer SUCCESSFULLY started.

Start DHCP service

Start DNS-QryMgr service

MCC initializing with ST TDM Bus connectivity @ 8Mbs.
0x36523c0 (tAppStartup):
DW pool created with 2560 buffers, platform: 2000
Initialized and enabled Mcc1.
Initialized and enabled Mcc2.

-----> Mitel E2T initializing <-----

My Processor ID is 1, IP

E2T Startup: E2T IP address =

E2T Startup: RTC IP address =

Stream_T2E_Startup, binding 64 RTP ports (even ports) in the range of 50000 to 5
There were 64 UDP ports created.
Stream_T2E_Startup, binding 64 RTCP ports (odd ports) in the range of 50001 to 5
There were 64 RTCP ports created.
tMediaControl: RTC IP:

tMediaControl E2t<->E2tProxy MCT communications established; processor ID 1

E2T Startup: TDM codec is A_LAW_CODEC

Appying Business Option 1
Dsp List Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/dsplist.txt"
copying file /sysro/DspConfig/PLATFORM_MXe_BO1/LoadingMXe.txt -> /sysro/DspConfi
Copy OK: 392 bytes copied
Dsp Config Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/dspConfigMXe.txt"
Dsp Card Type Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/DspCardType.txt"
Dsp Type Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/DspTypeMXe.txt"
Dsp Dynamic Loading Filename: "/sysro/DspConfig/loadingMXe.txt"

E2tProxy<->E2t Communications Channel is UP

INFO EchoCanceller InitEcHwInfo VEC_128 in midplane slot 5 [pasic 5]
# Wait for the onboard Analog module to finish uploading.

Service Layer Coordinator SUCCESSFULLY started.

Network Service Layer Coordinator SUCCESSFULLY started.

# Onboard Analog module has finished uploading.

Adaptation Layer Coordinator SUCCESSFULLY started.

MiXML Layer Coordinator SUCCESSFULLY started.

Applications Layer Coordinator SUCCESSFULLY started.

Loading Dig_LargeSysAL_link.out ........Loaded
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/pgmkey.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/pgmsfkey.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/softkey.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/phonecfg.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/verinfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/callfwd.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/vmcfg.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/appsinfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/cntcinfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/userinfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/audfdbk.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/dialinfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/dispcfg.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/scrnsvr.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/callntfy.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/urlinfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/appscfginfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/clidcfginfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/pcconnectinfo.db
Database verification passed: /db/database/appsdir/group2pgmkey.db

Digital Trunking Layer Coordinator SUCCESSFULLY started.

Starting up VM Corp Dir...
...Fault detected while starting up VM Corp Dir. Please ignore if Voice mail net
working is not enabled.
Starting up SMTP Client
Starting up SMTP Server
Starting iPVM Version 7.33.02

Voice Mail Successfully Started

Loader Manager Component SUCCESSFULLY started.

Clock Synchronisation SUCCESSFULLY started.

Task StartupHwRst being deleted while ACTIVE

Starting nightly processing...
vpimSentSubDirCleanUp files deleted = 0, left = 0, error = 0, time = 0
Nightly processing complete

You need to connect ICP to a trunk port of the ethernet switch and connect your computer to access (untagged) port of the switch. Or you have to setup dot1q on ethernet port of your computer if your ethernet adaptor will allow to do so and then assign IP inteface to that VLAN2
I have tried this,

I have plugged into a port which is set to vlan2 only, which is the same as the 3300. DHCP couldnt be found so I assigned myself and attempted to ping which replies only for the first few pings when you reset the switch, then the ping fails as its booting up!

I have also done the same thing directly connected to the LAN port on the 3300 without being in a VLAN.
I have got it up and running.

I typed in "vlan_off" in the console, and the 3300 started to reply to pings. I have then been able to log into the ICP and changed the VLan ID back to 1 as Vlan tagging is not required as its already in a vlan in the cisco swith.

Thanks for your help slapin.
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