Forms do not freeze, only datasheets. Although, I am currently playing with the idea of linking two forms to mimic one another's movements. Haven't been successful yet. If anyone has a solution, let me know.
In the meantime.
Although it is not very pretty, what you could do is right-click a form record (any one) and select Datasheet from the Subform option. It will then look like Excel.
Highlight the column(s) that will freeze (be sure they are adjacent). Then right-click a row (not a column heading) and select Freeze All Columns.
The nice thing about doing this, is that it will mimic Excel in functionality during the current session only. When the form is closed and reopened, it will again open as a form.
However, if the form is later viewed as a datasheet, it will default to the past frozen state (no need to re-freeze the columns).
To unfreeze the columns, right-click a row and choose Unfreeze columns.
Just thought i would explore other options before i tried as i am struggling a wee bit with the code
I found a working example that you can download on another site but at the moment i cannot remember where i found it. Will have a search this morning and post if/when i find it.
That would be great if can relocate the example. I would greatly appreciate your sharing it with me. I currently have a project I am working on where I could use such a feature.
the database is only 200k, know its not usual protocol but i could send it on to you if you have a mail address that you dont mind being in public view.
I think I am correct, but put the email address in long form, ie wording and numbers, that prevents the robots, crawlers or whatever technical term is for sites that prowl around for email address's. Someone might correct me on this.
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