Does anyone know if FreeFile work with VbScript Or is it me?
Dim ObjFso
Dim ObjExel
Dim parFilesFromFolderPath
Dim File
Dim Line
Dim TextStream
Dim Arr
Dim RowIndex
Dim FileName
Dim oBook
Dim FileNr
Dim sFileInput
RowIndex = 1
'Set objects
Set ObjFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ObjExel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oBook = ObjExel.Workbooks.Add
ObjExel.Visible = vbTrue
'Set folder path
Set parFilesFromFolderPath = ObjFso.GetFolder("D:\temp\")
'Loop all folders
For Each File In parFilesFromFolderPath.Files
' Delete all files exept the latest
If UCase(ObjFso.GetExtensionName(File.Name)) = "TXT" Then
'msgbox File.Path
FileNr = FreeFile
[COLOR=red][b]Open File.Path For Input As #FileNr[/b] <-- Error[/color]
While Not EOF(FileNr)
Line Input #FileNr, Line
Arr = Split(Line, ";")
'Split and add it to and array
Arr = Split(Line, ";")
Close #FileNr
'Set the FileName
FileName = (Left(File.Path, Len(File.Path) - 3) & "xlsx")
'Save the file
'oBook.SaveAs (FileName)
'Exit excel and clear from memory
End If
Set ObjExel = Nothing