Hi there,
I've been searching around the web for my problem and I've found some very interesting discussions out there about data modeling in cognos 8 framework manager.
We've migrated from Impromptu to C8 through the migration tool, which create a tons of packages migrated from catalogs. We've decided to build a clean "Company Framework", one framework answering almost all business needs (HR, Sales, etc...) through multiples packages.
The problem is : we're directly working on operational database (Movex), which means no star schema. My feeling here is that Cognos 8 will never deliver neither accurate result nor good performance when developing complex reports on non star schema model, right?
So what to do in such case, model a virtual star schema (and how to do that?) or ignore the cardinalities and joins all tables together in 1-1/0-1 just like in Impromptu Catalog ?
We're facing huge questions on that point and we really appreciate your help! Thanks in advance.
I've been searching around the web for my problem and I've found some very interesting discussions out there about data modeling in cognos 8 framework manager.
We've migrated from Impromptu to C8 through the migration tool, which create a tons of packages migrated from catalogs. We've decided to build a clean "Company Framework", one framework answering almost all business needs (HR, Sales, etc...) through multiples packages.
The problem is : we're directly working on operational database (Movex), which means no star schema. My feeling here is that Cognos 8 will never deliver neither accurate result nor good performance when developing complex reports on non star schema model, right?
So what to do in such case, model a virtual star schema (and how to do that?) or ignore the cardinalities and joins all tables together in 1-1/0-1 just like in Impromptu Catalog ?
We're facing huge questions on that point and we really appreciate your help! Thanks in advance.