I know this is off topic, but I know there are alot of good web folks in this forum, so I'm hoping someone has had this issue before and has gotten it taken care of... we've been stabbing at it since yesterday in the html forum...
There are two versions of this test file of a page that has a problem... the problem is that no matter what I do (or what anyone suggests), there is always a 'gutter' over on the right side of the page where a scrollbar should be if one was needed.
The issue is that we don't need one, and only want one if one is needed. Everything was fine until I put the site into a frameset, which put that gutter only on whatever page is in the top frame -- which is also a little baffling...
If anyone thinks they can help, then I sure would appreciate some input, as the actual site that the above pages mimic is live and clients are looking at it -- the link was sent out and the frameset was an afterthought, and one that my boss is fairly intent on keeping in...
We are also talking about it over in the html forum if anyone wants any background on the issue... I have set the rightmargin=0 and turned scrolling="auto" on the frameset.
Ok -- help me please, and thanks!
Paul Prewett
There are two versions of this test file of a page that has a problem... the problem is that no matter what I do (or what anyone suggests), there is always a 'gutter' over on the right side of the page where a scrollbar should be if one was needed.
The issue is that we don't need one, and only want one if one is needed. Everything was fine until I put the site into a frameset, which put that gutter only on whatever page is in the top frame -- which is also a little baffling...
If anyone thinks they can help, then I sure would appreciate some input, as the actual site that the above pages mimic is live and clients are looking at it -- the link was sent out and the frameset was an afterthought, and one that my boss is fairly intent on keeping in...
We are also talking about it over in the html forum if anyone wants any background on the issue... I have set the rightmargin=0 and turned scrolling="auto" on the frameset.
Ok -- help me please, and thanks!
Paul Prewett