Technical User
I have identified some odd behaviour with some frames I have been working with. Essentially I have a simple two page frameset ( I'm fairly new to HTML so forgive incorrect terms ). The larger right hand ( RH ) page contains text and images which are links. The left hand page is a navigation bar, based on node clicking events.
In order for the clicks on the right hand (RH ) frame to be reflected in the Left hand navigation frame I need to call an event in that ( the LH ) frame. I do this by:
1. Passing two parameters from the Right hand page to the parent.
The parameters are (i)the page the link should go to which should populate the RH frame, and (ii) the nodeId to be expanded in the LH frame.
2. The parameters are then used by the main parent page to create a new frameset based on the parameters passed to it.
That is the theory. In reality the entire page generated from the parent, including navigation frame with event executed produced as a result of the click on an image on the RH frame is populated in the RH frame.
So I am left with a LH navigation bar ( with no event executed ), and a RH frame consisting of another navigation bar with my event executed and the page it was supposed to display.
Some source.
The RH page source:
<a href="ProductNav.asp?PageToGoTo=ListRegions.asp&NodeID=9"><img src="../regions/images/Readymix.gif" border="0" WIDTH="111" HEIGHT="75"></a>
ProdNav.asp is the parent page. Source below
dim currentNode
dim PageToGoTo
currentNode = Request.QueryString("NodeID"
PageToGoTo = Request.QueryString("PageToGoTo"
<frameset framespacing="0" border="false" rows="70,*" frameborder="0">
<frame SRC="../Navigation/Header.asp" name="fNav" scrolling = "NO">
<frameset cols="170,*">
<FRAME src="NavBar.asp?NodeId=<%=currentNode%>" name="treeframe">
<FRAME SRC=<%=PageToGoTo%> name="basefrm">
NavBar.asp is the LH Page Navigation. LH page source snippet.
<%currentNode = Request.QueryString("NodeId"
if currentNode = "" then%>
<%End if %>
Sorry for length. Any help appreciated.
I have identified some odd behaviour with some frames I have been working with. Essentially I have a simple two page frameset ( I'm fairly new to HTML so forgive incorrect terms ). The larger right hand ( RH ) page contains text and images which are links. The left hand page is a navigation bar, based on node clicking events.
In order for the clicks on the right hand (RH ) frame to be reflected in the Left hand navigation frame I need to call an event in that ( the LH ) frame. I do this by:
1. Passing two parameters from the Right hand page to the parent.
The parameters are (i)the page the link should go to which should populate the RH frame, and (ii) the nodeId to be expanded in the LH frame.
2. The parameters are then used by the main parent page to create a new frameset based on the parameters passed to it.
That is the theory. In reality the entire page generated from the parent, including navigation frame with event executed produced as a result of the click on an image on the RH frame is populated in the RH frame.
So I am left with a LH navigation bar ( with no event executed ), and a RH frame consisting of another navigation bar with my event executed and the page it was supposed to display.
Some source.
The RH page source:
<a href="ProductNav.asp?PageToGoTo=ListRegions.asp&NodeID=9"><img src="../regions/images/Readymix.gif" border="0" WIDTH="111" HEIGHT="75"></a>
ProdNav.asp is the parent page. Source below
dim currentNode
dim PageToGoTo
currentNode = Request.QueryString("NodeID"
PageToGoTo = Request.QueryString("PageToGoTo"
<frameset framespacing="0" border="false" rows="70,*" frameborder="0">
<frame SRC="../Navigation/Header.asp" name="fNav" scrolling = "NO">
<frameset cols="170,*">
<FRAME src="NavBar.asp?NodeId=<%=currentNode%>" name="treeframe">
<FRAME SRC=<%=PageToGoTo%> name="basefrm">
NavBar.asp is the LH Page Navigation. LH page source snippet.
<%currentNode = Request.QueryString("NodeId"
if currentNode = "" then%>
<%End if %>
Sorry for length. Any help appreciated.