Hi, I have a problem with my frames and unable to comprehend whats wrong..
When the site (index.htm) is loaded, it is a page with a frame called home.asp
When home.asp loads it has navigational links on the left and content on the right.
Clicking any link on the left loads another page which has 3 frames in it. A left frame for navigation links and 2 frames on the right for header and body.
The first time any link is clicked in the left frame, loads the page correctly in the right BUT on cliking another link, pops up a new window and loads that page in it.. All links in the left frame have their target set correctly.
Any suggestions as to what appears wrong ? hope the above was clear..
When the site (index.htm) is loaded, it is a page with a frame called home.asp
When home.asp loads it has navigational links on the left and content on the right.
Clicking any link on the left loads another page which has 3 frames in it. A left frame for navigation links and 2 frames on the right for header and body.
The first time any link is clicked in the left frame, loads the page correctly in the right BUT on cliking another link, pops up a new window and loads that page in it.. All links in the left frame have their target set correctly.
Any suggestions as to what appears wrong ? hope the above was clear..