Hi. I'm building a site for a law firm and have actually built two templates; one for 800 x 600 browsers and one for 1024 x 768. I'm going to add a redirector script so people will be automatically sent to the right page soon...
Anyway, the question. I want to make it so that if people adjust their browser size, the frames won't re-position vertically. In other words, if you make your browser smaller (by adjusting the corners for example), the frames become misalligned. Any advice is appreciated.
Here's the pages: (1024 x 768)
(800 x 600)
Anyway, the question. I want to make it so that if people adjust their browser size, the frames won't re-position vertically. In other words, if you make your browser smaller (by adjusting the corners for example), the frames become misalligned. Any advice is appreciated.
Here's the pages: (1024 x 768)
(800 x 600)