Has anybody ever experienced the following problem or something similar? If Yes, did you find a solution and can you share that solution?
Main Page is divided into frames. Left frame has menu items and right frame is main viewing area.
One selection from the menu brings up a popup window that is loaded with variables coming from the main page.
Once inside the popup window, the user can make inputs into forms and has various options of saving form information, canceling, exiting, closing window, back buttons, etc...
One of the popup windows is also divided into two frames, one on top and one on bottom.
Scenario 1: main popup window has a list of data(example employee data). One of the fields in this list is also a link to the divided popup window that loads on top of this window with more information on the particular employee.
The divided window loads and there are some buttons on the the top frame with options to save, print, and exit. Immediately before the frames have completely loaded, the user selects the back button. It goes back to the first window that had the list of employee data with the link, but this time there is no data, it is blank with only the headers. You can refresh the window manually and the list reappears. This is a problem I don't want the users to have and I don't want a timed refresh built into the page.
If you have any suggestions, I would be most appreciative.
Main Page is divided into frames. Left frame has menu items and right frame is main viewing area.
One selection from the menu brings up a popup window that is loaded with variables coming from the main page.
Once inside the popup window, the user can make inputs into forms and has various options of saving form information, canceling, exiting, closing window, back buttons, etc...
One of the popup windows is also divided into two frames, one on top and one on bottom.
Scenario 1: main popup window has a list of data(example employee data). One of the fields in this list is also a link to the divided popup window that loads on top of this window with more information on the particular employee.
The divided window loads and there are some buttons on the the top frame with options to save, print, and exit. Immediately before the frames have completely loaded, the user selects the back button. It goes back to the first window that had the list of employee data with the link, but this time there is no data, it is blank with only the headers. You can refresh the window manually and the list reappears. This is a problem I don't want the users to have and I don't want a timed refresh built into the page.
If you have any suggestions, I would be most appreciative.