Hello all:
I try to set up a frame with height and width both 500, I failed for that. when I run my code, I can not see the frame with height and width are both 500,would anyone help me,please.
I try to set up a frame with height and width both 500, I failed for that. when I run my code, I can not see the frame with height and width are both 500,would anyone help me,please.
frame .menuframe -bg white -height 500 -width 500
menubutton .menuframe.org -text "Organise Item" -menu .menuframe.org.menu
menubutton .menuframe.acc -text "Aceess" -menu .menuframe.acc.menu
menu .menuframe.org.menu
menu .menuframe.acc.menu
.menuframe.org.menu add command -label "Open..."
.menuframe.org.menu add command -label "Save..."
pack .menuframe -side top -fill x -expand yes
pack .menuframe.org -side left
pack .menuframe.acc -side left