We have an app written on FPW2.6a that we need to distribute in an encrypted form. It seems when an exe is encrypted, it does not compress. The exe is around 9.8Mb. When using the distribution kit to distribute on 1.44 Floppies, it will only split this file 9 times which is not enough. Is there an update that will split more than 9 times, or can we get it on to a CD easily ?
Andrew, New Zealand
We have an app written on FPW2.6a that we need to distribute in an encrypted form. It seems when an exe is encrypted, it does not compress. The exe is around 9.8Mb. When using the distribution kit to distribute on 1.44 Floppies, it will only split this file 9 times which is not enough. Is there an update that will split more than 9 times, or can we get it on to a CD easily ?
Andrew, New Zealand