I created a function for creating a PDF from MySQL database entries and it is working but I am unable to put the thumbnail images onto the same line as the text. I understand that FPDF does not support this for some reason so I added an extension but it seems to do nothing more than it would without it. Is anyone familiar with FDPF who may know how to accomplish what I need?
Here is the extension but as it was originally it was duplicating code in the above and was stretching the images out of proportion so I reworked it:
The original:
My reworked version, as part of other extensions including WriteHTML():
function Store2PDF($MemberOnly = FALSE) {
require(RelativePath . '/internals/functions/fpdf/extensions.php');
global $last_type;
$DB = new clsDB();
$LocalPath = SitePath("Viewers");
if ($MemberOnly === FALSE) {
$Where = " AND MembersOnly <> 1 ";
} else {
$Where = "";
$Query = "SELECT i.ID, CONCAT_WS('', '[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.livedomain.com/?ItemID=',i.ID)[/URL] AS LinkID,
WHEN (it.ItemType LIKE '%Member') THEN CONCAT(it.ItemType,'s Only')
WHEN (it.ItemType LIKE '%Other%') THEN REPLACE(it.ItemType, 'Other', 'Others')
WHEN (it.ItemType LIKE '%Current Issue%') THEN it.ItemType
ELSE CONCAT(it.ItemType, 's')
END AS ItemType,
ImageID1 AS ImageID, Thumbnail, ItemName, PhotoCode, i.Description, Price, Discount, StockQuantity, MembersOnly
FROM ((items i
LEFT JOIN coverart_assignments ca ON i.RecordID = ca.RecordingUsed)
LEFT JOIN recordings r ON i.RecordID = r.ID)
LEFT JOIN item_types it ON i.ItemType = it.ID
WHERE i.StockQuantity > 0 $Where
ORDER BY it.ItemType";
$pdf=new PDF_HTML('P','mm','Letter');
$pdf->MultiCell(0,20,"Store Items",0,'C',FALSE);
while($DB->next_record()) :
$ItemID = $DB->f("ID");
$LinkID = $DB->f("LinkID");
$ItemType = $DB->f("ItemType");
$ItemName = $DB->f("ItemName");
$RecordingImage = $DB->f("ImageID");
$OtherImage = $DB->f("Thumbnail");
$StockQuantity = $DB->f("StockQuantity");
$Description = $DB->f("Description");
$Discount = $DB->f("Discount");
$MembersOnly = $DB->f("MembersOnly");
$NetPrice = $DB->f("Price");
if ($OtherImage) {
$ImageID = $OtherImage;
$ImageType = 9;
} else {+
$ImageID = $RecordingImage;
$ImageType = 2;
$ImgFile = "[URL unfurl="true"]http://".$_SERVER[/URL]['HTTP_HOST'].$LocalPath."show_image.php?ID=$ImageID&Type=$ImageType";
list($Imgwidth, $Imgheight, $ImgType, $attr) = getimagesize($ImgFile);
switch ($ImgType) :
case 1 : $MimeType = "GIF"; break;
case 2 : $MimeType = "JPG"; break;
case 3 : $MimeType = "PNG"; break;
case 6 : $MimeType = "JPG"; break;
default : $MimeType = "JPG";
$Imgwidth =($Imgwidth*25.4)/72;
$Imgheight =($Imgheight*25.4)/72;
$Replacements = array("Recordings", "<br>");
$TextDesc = str_replace($Replacements, " ", $Description);
$ItemPrice = (CCGetUserID() && CCGetGroupID() >= 2 && $NetPrice > 7.5 && $MembersOnly != 1 && $Discount) ? ($NetPrice) - ($NetPrice * $Discount) : $NetPrice;
if ($ItemType != $last_type) {
$pdf->Cell(NULL,8,'Select title or image for more details and to purchase',1,0,'L');
$last_type = $ItemType;
} else {
$pdf->floatingImage($ImgFile, $Imgheight, $Imgwidth, $MimeType);
$pdf->Cell(0,8,$pdf->WriteHTML($ItemName.' - '.$TextDesc .' Regular price: $'.$ItemPrice),1,0,'L');
Here is the extension but as it was originally it was duplicating code in the above and was stretching the images out of proportion so I reworked it:
The original:
class FloatPDF extends FPDF
public function floatingImage($imgPath, $height) {
list($w, $h) = getimagesize($imgPath);
$ratio = $w / $h;
$imgWidth = $height * $ratio;
$this->Image($imgPath, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY());
$this->x += $imgWidth;
My reworked version, as part of other extensions including WriteHTML():
function floatingImage($imgPath, $imgHeight, $imgWidth, $MimeType) {
$this->Image($imgPath,NULL,NULL, $imgWidth, $imgHeight, $MimeType);
$this->x += $imgWidth;