I'm trying to create a directory underneath my executable using this as my code RUN MD hipaa837 and I get
Extended error 183.
Where my exe is 3 folders off of the root and they are long file names so the path looks like this \ononda~1\ONON03~1\KIDS\.
I'm running this on XP but could be 3.1,ME,98,2000
WOuld i be better off doing an fcreate of a batch file to create the new directory?
Extended error 183.
Where my exe is 3 folders off of the root and they are long file names so the path looks like this \ononda~1\ONON03~1\KIDS\.
I'm running this on XP but could be 3.1,ME,98,2000
WOuld i be better off doing an fcreate of a batch file to create the new directory?