Hi there ...
I am trying to write asp pages to access the database of our companies CRM package (Known as ARCHIE). I have made a DSN on the webserver (the webserver2) pointing to a share on the machine where the data is (the 'citrix1'). When I run my page , I get the problem that the .asp code doesnt seem to be able to find any of the tables. I have also tryed writing a Java applet, and this works as long as the database is on the local machine, but when I use the ODBC coupling, I get the same problem. The database is FoxPro, I think version 2.? - so you have to use 'free tables' and not a '.dbc'database.....any ideas anyone ?: here is the effect:
Error looks like this:-
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37'
[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File 'naw001.dbf' does not exist.
/default.asp, line 13
Code looks like this:-
This ASP example uses ADO to read records from a database
dim ADOconn, ADOrs, sqlstr
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM naw001"
set ADOconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
ADOconn.Open "archie"
set ADOrs = ADOconn.execute(sqlstr)
if ADOrs.BOF and ADOrs.EOF then ' Query didn't return any records.
Response.Write("No Records."
Do While Not ADOrs.EOF
Response.Write(ADOrs("R01" & " " _
& ADOrs("R02" & "<br>"
Response.Write("<p>End of data."
end if
set ADOrs = nothing
I am trying to write asp pages to access the database of our companies CRM package (Known as ARCHIE). I have made a DSN on the webserver (the webserver2) pointing to a share on the machine where the data is (the 'citrix1'). When I run my page , I get the problem that the .asp code doesnt seem to be able to find any of the tables. I have also tryed writing a Java applet, and this works as long as the database is on the local machine, but when I use the ODBC coupling, I get the same problem. The database is FoxPro, I think version 2.? - so you have to use 'free tables' and not a '.dbc'database.....any ideas anyone ?: here is the effect:
Error looks like this:-
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37'
[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File 'naw001.dbf' does not exist.
/default.asp, line 13
Code looks like this:-
This ASP example uses ADO to read records from a database
dim ADOconn, ADOrs, sqlstr
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM naw001"
set ADOconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
ADOconn.Open "archie"
set ADOrs = ADOconn.execute(sqlstr)
if ADOrs.BOF and ADOrs.EOF then ' Query didn't return any records.
Response.Write("No Records."
Do While Not ADOrs.EOF
Response.Write(ADOrs("R01" & " " _
& ADOrs("R02" & "<br>"
Response.Write("<p>End of data."
end if
set ADOrs = nothing