This has probably been posted before, I tried looking and I only found remnents of what I want to know.<br><br>All I want to do is put together an application that has no main VFP window and has system tray icon so that when the window is minimized, the program window disappears, but there is an icon the user can click (or double click) to bring the window back.<br><br>I have tried building the application exe and running the setup wizard, but the main visual foxpro window still opens. I can manipulate it (i.e. _screen.windowstate = 1) but I want it just to not show up. Is that possible?<br><br>And I saw the system tray icon thing in an earlier thread suggesting I think that will help me just fine, and I'm sure if I can't figure it out, I'll post a message. <br><br>So basically, the main VFP window...<br><br>thanks guys.