We have several Foxpro 2.6 for DOS applications running on Windows XP and Windows 2003 server. We have most all of the bugs worked out to the point where there are very few problems company wide. This morning, however, we noticed a problem on our main server with multiple apps.
Several of our apps lock up and have to be closed out when the app window loses main focus in Windows. So if we have, for instance, our inventory viewer open, click over to the desktop, and then click back, the application locks up. We have not noticed this at any other time.
We are aware of a registry mod under hkeylocalmachin\system\currentcontrolset\control\wow that is supposed to help with while loops that may possibly help. However, we do not have this in any of our other 16 servers and none of them have any problem with the exact same apps. The only differences between this server and the others is a hardware RAID controller instead of Windows software disk mirroring and dual processors instead of dual cores. There are slight version differences between versions of 2003 because we bought the satellite store servers a bit later than the main server, but they are all some version of 2003 Standard Edition.
We are hesistant to make registry modifications to our main server because of the headache it would cause having to restore the server if the mods caused a major problem, but we may resort to that. In the meantime, does anyone have any ideas as to other things we could try?
Ben Jitima
Several of our apps lock up and have to be closed out when the app window loses main focus in Windows. So if we have, for instance, our inventory viewer open, click over to the desktop, and then click back, the application locks up. We have not noticed this at any other time.
We are aware of a registry mod under hkeylocalmachin\system\currentcontrolset\control\wow that is supposed to help with while loops that may possibly help. However, we do not have this in any of our other 16 servers and none of them have any problem with the exact same apps. The only differences between this server and the others is a hardware RAID controller instead of Windows software disk mirroring and dual processors instead of dual cores. There are slight version differences between versions of 2003 because we bought the satellite store servers a bit later than the main server, but they are all some version of 2003 Standard Edition.
We are hesistant to make registry modifications to our main server because of the headache it would cause having to restore the server if the mods caused a major problem, but we may resort to that. In the meantime, does anyone have any ideas as to other things we could try?
Ben Jitima