I have (A) customers@aaa.com
forward to (B) customers@zzz.com
and this last one forward to
(C) john@zzz.com
if someone writes to first account (A)...
the logical would be that when I received the email in (C) I see the field To: (A)
But I receive emails with the To: (C)
Is this possible ? is some sendmail config ?
I have been touching and "playing" with the sendmail configuration in aliases and forwards this last week... the question is... is possible that any config change the "To:" original field header of an email ?
I have (A) customers@aaa.com
forward to (B) customers@zzz.com
and this last one forward to
(C) john@zzz.com
if someone writes to first account (A)...
the logical would be that when I received the email in (C) I see the field To: (A)
But I receive emails with the To: (C)
Is this possible ? is some sendmail config ?
I have been touching and "playing" with the sendmail configuration in aliases and forwards this last week... the question is... is possible that any config change the "To:" original field header of an email ?