I have been experimenting with Outof Office Assistant to try to do some Mail Forwarding but still I couldn't do what I want it to do-
Namely- Forward to an SMTP email address outside of my organisation Such that the email received at the forwarded to the outside address would bear the Same Original TO: and FROM Mail Header.
I.E. if I am John, and Mary sent a mail to me and David, I want the forwarded mail to be appearing from Mary with John and David as Recipients.
I have played around with "Leave MEssage intact", "Standard" and "Insert as attachment" but all three have Myself as the sender in forwarded mail!
And...even worse after my experimentation, now, Mail from outside the organisation stopped being forwarded.
Originally, I have two rules- one for within my org for Mail "Sent Directly to me" and "CC to me", one for "Sent to: me@myorg.com", both rule defaults to forward mail to anotherID@anotherorg.com, with the above "standard", etc. options??
Put simply, How could I just get ALL mail forwarded to any outside SMTP address without changing the mail header (besides something like received by me....x-forward to blah)
Namely- Forward to an SMTP email address outside of my organisation Such that the email received at the forwarded to the outside address would bear the Same Original TO: and FROM Mail Header.
I.E. if I am John, and Mary sent a mail to me and David, I want the forwarded mail to be appearing from Mary with John and David as Recipients.
I have played around with "Leave MEssage intact", "Standard" and "Insert as attachment" but all three have Myself as the sender in forwarded mail!
And...even worse after my experimentation, now, Mail from outside the organisation stopped being forwarded.
Originally, I have two rules- one for within my org for Mail "Sent Directly to me" and "CC to me", one for "Sent to: me@myorg.com", both rule defaults to forward mail to anotherID@anotherorg.com, with the above "standard", etc. options??
Put simply, How could I just get ALL mail forwarded to any outside SMTP address without changing the mail header (besides something like received by me....x-forward to blah)