F **266344
password is config 266344 if it is still at defaults
next>general>show>sets>show>set #>show>next till you get to capabilities>show>next till you get to forward no answer>show>next>nuber of rings>change>rls If you find a tip helpful Please take a moment to mark it as such.
Thanks for responding. That's been done. The origin (234)is set for four rings and the forwarded set (226) is set to four as well. When 226 is dialed direct, it rings the correct number of times, but when a call is forwarded, it rings only once before VM.
It sounds like Transfer Callback is set to 5 rings. If you don't want this to happen you'll have to change it to 12 rings (the next available choice after 6), this can be done in **config under System Programming - Feature Settings - Trnsfr Callbk.
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