I'm new to programming, so apologies for not providing sufficient information for this to be solved.
I was provided with some code for a surface-energy-balance model. I've successfully compiled and created an executable file.
The source code has the following written in it:
c Read Parameters from Command Line
c -----------------------------------
inweathfilnam = R_CLI_Arg_Str ('Weather_File')
inlu1 = Get_Lu ()
open (inlu1,file=inweathfilnam,form='formatted',status='old')
write(61,*)'done met'
When running the program, I get asked for the following at the first step: (Str) Weather_File:
Here I am currently typing the file pathway (e.g., '/Documents/Data/MetData.txt'). The following message is returned:
At line 188 of file demscalemain_ns_gfortSG.for (unit = 118, file = '')
Fortran runtime error: File 'SvalMetData.txt' does not exist
[Process completed]
Can anyone offer any help/advice on this? The file does exist in the specified directory. Am I typing the correct file pathway? Do I need to modify the source code?
I was provided with some code for a surface-energy-balance model. I've successfully compiled and created an executable file.
The source code has the following written in it:
c Read Parameters from Command Line
c -----------------------------------
inweathfilnam = R_CLI_Arg_Str ('Weather_File')
inlu1 = Get_Lu ()
open (inlu1,file=inweathfilnam,form='formatted',status='old')
write(61,*)'done met'
When running the program, I get asked for the following at the first step: (Str) Weather_File:
Here I am currently typing the file pathway (e.g., '/Documents/Data/MetData.txt'). The following message is returned:
At line 188 of file demscalemain_ns_gfortSG.for (unit = 118, file = '')
Fortran runtime error: File 'SvalMetData.txt' does not exist
[Process completed]
Can anyone offer any help/advice on this? The file does exist in the specified directory. Am I typing the correct file pathway? Do I need to modify the source code?