I am trying to figure out how to represent missing values in an array with a value I know won't be in there for example -99.9.
A sample of my code, is below. The array "pro" has been read in from a data file of numeric values. The code below print "0.00" where there isn't data to be read. I need the do loop range to stay fixed because other parts of the array that I will be working with fill the range, but this specific part does not. I have tried setting the array equal to -99.9 before the loop but all that prints is "*****".
A sample of my code, is below. The array "pro" has been read in from a data file of numeric values. The code below print "0.00" where there isn't data to be read. I need the do loop range to stay fixed because other parts of the array that I will be working with fill the range, but this specific part does not. I have tried setting the array equal to -99.9 before the loop but all that prints is "*****".
DO i=1,31
PRINT *, pro(1,3,i)