Does Crystal have a function of creating a field that holds the value of a formula (similar to paste special in excell, it holds the value, not the formula). That way I could do further work on the value.
The value is always available to you within a formula, so I don't understand the request unless the idea is to use a macro susbstitution type of thing, wherein you can build a formula based on a value, in which case CR does not allow for this.
Perhaps if you demonstrated what it is you have, and what you intend to do, someone can help you.
I'm using the formula "DateAdd("s", {T178.C536870925}, datetime(1970,1,1))" to convert remedy date fields. Then if I try to use the formula "Currentdate - DateAdd("s", {T178.C536870925}, datetime(1970,1,1)) = 1" (this is to pull yesterday's data)I do not get any data. I thought if I could get a value for the first one, then use it in the second, it might work.
What would also work is if there is any way to modify the buily in period to date functions of crystal (last full month, etc) to just pull the previous day.
Why are you using the DATEADD function to convert the datetime fields?
The dateadd function works something like this:
dateadd("DD",-3,{?Start Date})
This example is gives you your start date and 3 days back( the negative). 2/11/2003 {? Start Date}
Seems you would want to convert the date field, then use the dateadd function to add your day.??
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