I have a field that must display elapsed time in "HH:MM" format. I'm using two calsulated fields for comparison - calculated because of certain criteria.
Here's the formula:
local numbervar Tmp :=
((datediff("n",cdatetime(shared stringvar UnloadStart),cdateTime(shared stringvar UnloadFinish))));
Local numbervar hrs := Tmp / 60;
Local numbervar Mins := Remainder(tmp,60);
Local StringVar Elapsed :=
Right("00" & cstr(hrs),2) &":" & Right("00" & cstr(mins),2);
Here's the problem:
On the development computer the string displays correctly
if the times are 10:00 am and 10:03 am the elapsed time is shown as "00:03". On the QA machine, it displays as "05:00".
An elapsed time of
1 min displays as 2hrs
2 min displays as 3hrs
3 min displays as 5hrs
4 min displays as 7hrs
and on and on...
Both machines are running Win2000, Crystal9 developer with SP1, both environments are setu identically (number formats, date/time formats, etc), going against Informix db
Any ideas??
I have a field that must display elapsed time in "HH:MM" format. I'm using two calsulated fields for comparison - calculated because of certain criteria.
Here's the formula:
local numbervar Tmp :=
((datediff("n",cdatetime(shared stringvar UnloadStart),cdateTime(shared stringvar UnloadFinish))));
Local numbervar hrs := Tmp / 60;
Local numbervar Mins := Remainder(tmp,60);
Local StringVar Elapsed :=
Right("00" & cstr(hrs),2) &":" & Right("00" & cstr(mins),2);
Here's the problem:
On the development computer the string displays correctly
if the times are 10:00 am and 10:03 am the elapsed time is shown as "00:03". On the QA machine, it displays as "05:00".
An elapsed time of
1 min displays as 2hrs
2 min displays as 3hrs
3 min displays as 5hrs
4 min displays as 7hrs
and on and on...
Both machines are running Win2000, Crystal9 developer with SP1, both environments are setu identically (number formats, date/time formats, etc), going against Informix db
Any ideas??