I have a crystal report that displays the charging attys and charging staff on a case for a received referral event if their assignment date is null grouped by Last_Name and then by Case_Number. In some instances, both a charging atty and charging staff are on a case. In this situation, we only want the case to appear under the charging staff group. Can you help me out? I'm not sure how to write a formula to exclude the case displaying for the charging attorney. If you require more detail, please let me know.
For Example:
Case #AD-2010-01109 has the following charging personnel:
Jane Fawn Assign Date: 08/10/09 Assign End: (null)
John Doe Assign Date: 08/15/09 Assign End: (null)
Current Report:
AD-2010-01109 Assign Date: 08/15/09 Assign End: (null)
AD-2010-01109 Assign Date: 08/10/09 Assign End: (null)
For Example:
Case #AD-2010-01109 has the following charging personnel:
Jane Fawn Assign Date: 08/10/09 Assign End: (null)
John Doe Assign Date: 08/15/09 Assign End: (null)
Current Report:
AD-2010-01109 Assign Date: 08/15/09 Assign End: (null)
AD-2010-01109 Assign Date: 08/10/09 Assign End: (null)