I am using CRXI, SQL Server, OLE db
I am linking a subreport to a report where
a formula in main report is :"A"+{field}+"B"
For example
In the report I have all the records like "1234567".
In the subreport I have "A1234567B" or "1234567" or "A1234567BC"
I need only the data like "A1234567B"
Linking the formula from report with the field in subreport is working fine just in the main report I get ALL the records; I get a blank subreport for the records which don't mach. Is it a way to bring ONLY the records which mach?
I know I could suppress the blank report but I would prefer to extraxt only the data I need
I have tryed as well using mid function in subreport and link to the field in the main report and is the same.
Thank you and I appologise for my English
I am linking a subreport to a report where
a formula in main report is :"A"+{field}+"B"
For example
In the report I have all the records like "1234567".
In the subreport I have "A1234567B" or "1234567" or "A1234567BC"
I need only the data like "A1234567B"
Linking the formula from report with the field in subreport is working fine just in the main report I get ALL the records; I get a blank subreport for the records which don't mach. Is it a way to bring ONLY the records which mach?
I know I could suppress the blank report but I would prefer to extraxt only the data I need
I have tryed as well using mid function in subreport and link to the field in the main report and is the same.
Thank you and I appologise for my English