I need to create a report that will display the budget amounts for each month per geneeral ledger #, per department. Placing the months across the top of the report and the GL #'s on the side.
The challenge is the budget amounts are not stored in a file, instead they are somehow attached to an index number. The "index" number relates to the month of the year, i.e. 1-12. So, if I run a report and select this year, index 8, GL #'s 600.00 - 699.99, and department .21 (admin) I'll see what that departments individual budget amounts are for August.
It seems that I need to setup a shared variable to make this work but haven't yet been successful. Is there a formula I could use to set this up within 1 report so sub-reports would NOT be neccessary?
any help appreciated.
Bill V
The challenge is the budget amounts are not stored in a file, instead they are somehow attached to an index number. The "index" number relates to the month of the year, i.e. 1-12. So, if I run a report and select this year, index 8, GL #'s 600.00 - 699.99, and department .21 (admin) I'll see what that departments individual budget amounts are for August.
It seems that I need to setup a shared variable to make this work but haven't yet been successful. Is there a formula I could use to set this up within 1 report so sub-reports would NOT be neccessary?
any help appreciated.
Bill V