I am using CR 2008 with an SQL DB. I am tying to create a report that shows where in our organization a case was resolved.
-Tier 1
-Tier 2
-Outside Support (Dev, Engineering, etc)
Some background information.
A case will always be touched by a Tier1 as the initial contact.
A case that was opened and escalated to Tier2, is considered a Tier2 case.
A case that was opened, escalated to Tier2, then escalated to another group is considered "Outside Support".
Throughout the life of a case, it could be touched by multiple groups but will always come back to the Tier2 group to be closed.
The only table that contains the information I need is the ACTION_HIST table.
ACTION_HIST.ROW_ADDED_OPERID will always show the person that created the case, if it was a Tier1 then I want to show that otherwise it is "Outside Support".
ACTION_HIST.ROW_LASTMANT_OPERID will show a listing of anyone else that made changes to the case. (Could be Tier1, Tier2 or Outside Support)
My Record selection is based on cases closed by members of the Tier2 team within a date range.
The formula I am using to separate the groups is as follows.
if {ACTION_HIST.ROW_ADDED_OPRID}in ["Tier1_Agent1","Tier1_Agent2","Tier1_Agent3"]THEN "Tier1 Support" else
if {ACTION_HIST.ROW_LASTMANT_OPRID}in ["Tier2_Agent1","Tier2_Agent2","Tier2_Agent3"] then "Tier2 Support"
else "Outside Support"
The problem is that in cases where there more than one of the criteria is being met, it is being counted more than once. So, if a case was opened by a Tier1, escalated to Tier2 and then escalated to Development, It is being counted as 1 for each group when it should only be considered "Outside Support"
Does anyone know how I can resolve this?
Thank you, I hope I entered enough information.
I am using CR 2008 with an SQL DB. I am tying to create a report that shows where in our organization a case was resolved.
-Tier 1
-Tier 2
-Outside Support (Dev, Engineering, etc)
Some background information.
A case will always be touched by a Tier1 as the initial contact.
A case that was opened and escalated to Tier2, is considered a Tier2 case.
A case that was opened, escalated to Tier2, then escalated to another group is considered "Outside Support".
Throughout the life of a case, it could be touched by multiple groups but will always come back to the Tier2 group to be closed.
The only table that contains the information I need is the ACTION_HIST table.
ACTION_HIST.ROW_ADDED_OPERID will always show the person that created the case, if it was a Tier1 then I want to show that otherwise it is "Outside Support".
ACTION_HIST.ROW_LASTMANT_OPERID will show a listing of anyone else that made changes to the case. (Could be Tier1, Tier2 or Outside Support)
My Record selection is based on cases closed by members of the Tier2 team within a date range.
The formula I am using to separate the groups is as follows.
if {ACTION_HIST.ROW_ADDED_OPRID}in ["Tier1_Agent1","Tier1_Agent2","Tier1_Agent3"]THEN "Tier1 Support" else
if {ACTION_HIST.ROW_LASTMANT_OPRID}in ["Tier2_Agent1","Tier2_Agent2","Tier2_Agent3"] then "Tier2 Support"
else "Outside Support"
The problem is that in cases where there more than one of the criteria is being met, it is being counted more than once. So, if a case was opened by a Tier1, escalated to Tier2 and then escalated to Development, It is being counted as 1 for each group when it should only be considered "Outside Support"
Does anyone know how I can resolve this?
Thank you, I hope I entered enough information.