Here is my forumula ( percentage is 1.25%): However, it is not calculating correctly. At the THEN statement, I am wondering if this is correct because I have a total calculation in my report which is Sum of AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.Extension Amt.
If GroupName({AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.UDF_CC_CODE})in
["ONS","RENT","SVC"] THEN Sum({AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.ExtensionAmt},{AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail.UDF_CC_CODE})*.0125
My report fields:
CCCode Group #2Name @CC Total Label Sum of AR InvoiceHistoryDetail.ExtensionAmt
Is this formula in the Detail, or in the Group Footer? It could be multiplying the sum by the percentage for each record, which would definitely give the wrong result.
Also, there is no ELSE - what do you want for the other groups? My guess would be that you want the sum not multiplied by the percent, but you're not telling it to do that.
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