I have a database full of warranty info for furniture in a company.
How do i create a formula where it shows all(COUNT)for the furniture that the warranty info does NOT exist.
Secondly, all the warranty info for the furniture that has expired and that will expire within the next 30 days.
Using crystal 10, I was able to do {furniture.warranty_end} in AllDatesToToday. but then it gives a true/flase headers.
Is there a better way to do the forumula.
I want to be able to use this formula for:
I want to create 2 things in Report header.
Report Header A:
Cross tab with 2 columns , column one for already expired warranty, warranty that expires within 30 days, 60 days etc. and on column two , total count
Ditto for pie chart -- what is the best way to do this. Usually pie chart expert would say on change of field "some field" show count "some value" -- but in my case what field should i use for 'change of field'?
PS: is it possible to hire someone as a mentor?
I have a database full of warranty info for furniture in a company.
How do i create a formula where it shows all(COUNT)for the furniture that the warranty info does NOT exist.
Secondly, all the warranty info for the furniture that has expired and that will expire within the next 30 days.
Using crystal 10, I was able to do {furniture.warranty_end} in AllDatesToToday. but then it gives a true/flase headers.
Is there a better way to do the forumula.
I want to be able to use this formula for:
I want to create 2 things in Report header.
Report Header A:
Cross tab with 2 columns , column one for already expired warranty, warranty that expires within 30 days, 60 days etc. and on column two , total count
Ditto for pie chart -- what is the best way to do this. Usually pie chart expert would say on change of field "some field" show count "some value" -- but in my case what field should i use for 'change of field'?
PS: is it possible to hire someone as a mentor?