if {glcshm.fcpaidby} = 'V' then "Credit Card" else
if {glcshm.fcpaidby} = 'M' then "Credit Card" else
if {glcshm.fcpaidby} = 'K' then "Check" else
if {glcshm.fcpaidby} = 'E' then "EFT" else
if instr({glcshm.fcreferenc}, "APOLLO") <> 0 then "APOLLO" else {glcshm.fcreferenc}
I want this to be a group. I have it working until I get to the different field with the APOLLO statement. I will also need t add the same thing for "ORBIAN" and "CORPORATE".
I need subtotals for Checks, CC's, EFT's, Apollo's, Orbians, etc. Apollo and Orbian also fall under CC or Check or EFT, but those need to be in there own group. Does this make any sense?
If you are trying to create separate groups for Apollo, Orbian, etc., ONLY because you need subtotals for them, you don't need to do that. You could insert a group on {glcshm.fcpaidby} and then use running totals for Apollo and Orbian where you set the evaluation formula to:
LB, I am thinking I need more than just subtotals. If it is Credit Card and Apollo, the amount cannot be part of the CC subtotal. I am also doing counts. Am I thinking correcting about the groups?
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