Technical User
CRV10 - For this formula, could someone please tell me what to add if I want all other {PCODES.DESCRIPTION}'s to show as "Other". This formula does what I want it to do except anything not RN, LPN or CNA shows on the report as a blank instead of "Other". Thanks!
if {PCODES.DESCRIPTION} = "Registered Nurse" then "RN" else
if {PCODES.DESCRIPTION} = "Licensed Practical Nurse" then "LPN" else
if {PCODES.DESCRIPTION} = "Certified Nursing Assist" then "CNA" else
if {PCODES.DESCRIPTION} = "Registered Nurse" then "RN" else
if {PCODES.DESCRIPTION} = "Licensed Practical Nurse" then "LPN" else
if {PCODES.DESCRIPTION} = "Certified Nursing Assist" then "CNA" else