I have a yes/no radio button, if they click no then they shouldn't be able to use a dropdown box. Is there anyway of deactivating the dropdown box if they click no!?!?
fire the event : onclick
disactivating the drop down :
- under ie4+ : use disabled (formname.elementname.disabled=true)
- cross browser solutions :
* low tech (will work almost anywhere) formname.elementname.onfocus=blur;
* using css : formname.elementname.style.display="none" (actually this HIDES the drop down not only disable it)
oups, i'm sorry i didn't have time (still haven't) to check at devedge's ... maybe you should go there and double check what i'm saying here ;-)
-> try to replace "inline" with "block"
-> try style.visible="show" (and visible="hide"
-> try formname.elemmentname.display="none" ...(without the STYLE part)
if none of those help you, i'm afraid you'll have to go to devedge - or wait till monday that i have some spare time to go & check !!
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