I want to make a field that displays the result of a query that goes by what is displayed in another field.
For example:
Employee ID: 7775
Name: what is displayed by this query: SELECT employeeName from tblEmployees WHERE employeeID = 7775
And if you change the value in Employee ID (say from 7775 to 7776) the value in Name will automatically update based on the new value for employeeID in the query.
This is probably easy, but I don't have a lot of experience with Access forms.
Thanks, J
For example:
Employee ID: 7775
Name: what is displayed by this query: SELECT employeeName from tblEmployees WHERE employeeID = 7775
And if you change the value in Employee ID (say from 7775 to 7776) the value in Name will automatically update based on the new value for employeeID in the query.
This is probably easy, but I don't have a lot of experience with Access forms.
Thanks, J