Hello everyone!
This is one of your quintessential dumb questions but please bear with me.
can anyone explain to me how to use the forms debugger to debug a code, specifically checkpoints?
to debug a Form go to the Program menu -> Run Form -> Debug (or Shift+Ctrl+R). The forms debug window opens.... In the middle window, expand the Modules node till you get to the code where you want to stop eg a certain trigger on a item in a selected datablock. The code in the trigger shows in the top window. Scroll to the point where you want to break and double click( there must be executable code on that line). Close the debug window and the application will start running. When you get to the action for which you had put the break, the debug window will open. You may expand the stack node to see the local variables or System variables, or Modules -> parameter list and values for the system parameters. You may use the menu icons step into(to go through one line of code at a time), step over( to jump over a line of code eg when you dont want to get into a function),step out( eg to get out of a function) go ( to run to the next break if existing)...
Trust me Candice...this is not adumb question. I'm a novice and it took me eons to figure out the debugger....
oh thebull1 thank you!
I probably would never have figured it out.
Well, I was able before your response I was able to turn on the debugger but oracle did not do a good job of telling you where to go from there.
My other question is now that I am debugging by stepping into it and sometimes adding breakpoints.
How am I supposed to find out the offending sql statement.
In my life as a java/c++ programmer, as you are stepping, values or lack thereof are being displayed.
Nothing is happing here.
The only thing I noticed is that one of the variables returned one correct value and everything else is blank.
In my forms, my query will return 14 values of data before breaking.
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