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formbox validation problem

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Aug 13, 2001
Hi there I wonder if I can get any help with a simple function that I'm writing to check users input to a textbox.

Here's the story...

I've a textbox on a page called 1001 (name="1001")
it has an onBlur event tied to it that calls a function...

the function looks like this...

function checkseats(myBox) {
if (document.form1[myBox].value>'5'){alert('You can only order up to 5 tickets per event');}

This seems pretty simple but it's having a problem and I think it's because I'm using server-side scripting to generate the names of the text box, even though when I view source for that page it all looks fine!?

This is what I have written on my page for the text box

<input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;<%=Rs.Fields.Item(&quot;eventID&quot;).Value%>&quot; size=&quot;1&quot; value=&quot;<%=Rs.Fields.Item(&quot;Quantity&quot;).Value%>&quot; maxlength=&quot;1&quot; onBlur=checkseats('<%=Rs.Fields.Item(&quot;eventID&quot;).Value%>');>

Thanks in advance!

I think the problem is here:
You compare numeric value of [myBox].value with a string because of the quotes: '5'.

You should do it like this:
... [myBox].value > 5 )

You can also add parseInt to be sure that you deal with numeric value of the text field:

if ( parseInt(document.form1[myBox].value) > 5 )

I've tried that but now I get an error on the line that my text box is, saying Object Expected.

Why do you think that might be? It is ok to use Server-side scripting in Client-Side scripting like I have done isn't it?

Again when I look at the source code everything looks fine.

Is it ok to use an number as a name for a textbox?
Ah I think I may have cracked it, I put the word box infront of my name for the text box, so when the page was run I got the name box1001

So my page eneded up like this somewhat...

function checkseats(myBox) {
if (document.form1[myBox].value>5){alert('You can only order up to 5 tickets per event');}

and the box looked like this...

<input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;box<%=Rs.Fields.Item(&quot;eventID&quot;).Value%>&quot; size=&quot;1&quot; value=&quot;<%=Rs.Fields.Item(&quot;Quantity&quot;).Value%>&quot; maxlength=&quot;1&quot; onBlur=checkseats('box<%=Rs.Fields.Item(&quot;eventID&quot;).Value%>');>

This worked lovely, so it would appear that Javascript doesn't allow the use of integers for names of objects.

A valuable lesson learnt there!

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