Hey guys,
Still in the search functionality, I'm now finding that if I try to pass in a string that has punctuation (i.e like my name D'Arcy) the string buggers up.
so then I thought, "I should write a function that will take a string and then encode any punctuation that could give problems into something that wouldn't"
then I thought, "maybe someone on the forums knows how to do it with some built in functionality already in .NET"
any thoughts?
Still in the search functionality, I'm now finding that if I try to pass in a string that has punctuation (i.e like my name D'Arcy) the string buggers up.
so then I thought, "I should write a function that will take a string and then encode any punctuation that could give problems into something that wouldn't"
then I thought, "maybe someone on the forums knows how to do it with some built in functionality already in .NET"
any thoughts?