I was looking for an efficient way of convering data in excel that looks like this
Bob Smith
Calls Talk Work Total ATT AWT
Monday 10/21/13 50 16827 7719 24546 337 154
Tuesday 10/22/13 59 18199 9405 27604 308 159
Wednesday10/23/13 57 19500 8206 27706 342 144
Thursday 10/24/13 55 18187 7870 26057 331 143
Friday 10/25/13 29 10458 15725 26183 361 542
Total 250 83171 48925 132096
Average 50 16634 9785 26419 333 196
(The data repeats for each team member. The number of days change based on the days the agent wored)
Into data that looks like this
Bob Smith John Smith Jill Jones
Calls 50 52 67
ATT 337 265 319
AWT 154 129 197
I need a way to pull specific days or the total for the week. Any suggestions?
Thank You!!!
I was looking for an efficient way of convering data in excel that looks like this
Bob Smith
Calls Talk Work Total ATT AWT
Monday 10/21/13 50 16827 7719 24546 337 154
Tuesday 10/22/13 59 18199 9405 27604 308 159
Wednesday10/23/13 57 19500 8206 27706 342 144
Thursday 10/24/13 55 18187 7870 26057 331 143
Friday 10/25/13 29 10458 15725 26183 361 542
Total 250 83171 48925 132096
Average 50 16634 9785 26419 333 196
(The data repeats for each team member. The number of days change based on the days the agent wored)
Into data that looks like this
Bob Smith John Smith Jill Jones
Calls 50 52 67
ATT 337 265 319
AWT 154 129 197
I need a way to pull specific days or the total for the week. Any suggestions?
Thank You!!!