I am sure that many of you have aleady done this and I'm just a little slow in catching up. This tiny app consists of a button on a form. You copy a chunk of VB code to the clipboard with CTRL+C, click the button, click in the Tek-Tips message window and press CTRL+V. The code is pasted with proper tab alignment, etc.<br><br>It's hard to show the code because it includes strings used by TGML. Note below that XXXXX denotes a tab surrounded by brackets, YYYYYYY is a bracketed "b" followed by a bracketed "tt". ZZZZZZZ turns off the "b" and "tt".<br><br><FONT FACE=monospace><b>Private Sub Command1_Click()<br>TabSize = 2<br>TTpost$ = Clipboard.GetText()<br>If Len(TTpost$) < 1 Then Exit Sub<br>For C = 1 To Len(TTpost$)<br> If Mid$(TTpost$, C, 1) = vbTab Then<br> NewPost1$ = NewPost1$ + "XXXXX"<br> Else<br> NewPost1$ = NewPost1$ + Mid$(TTpost$, C, 1)<br> End If<br>Next<br>For C = 1 To Len(NewPost1$) - TabSize Step TabSize<br> If Mid$(NewPost1$, C, TabSize) = String$(TabSize, 32) Then<br> NewPost2$ = NewPost2$ + "XXXXX"<br> Else<br> NewPost2$ = NewPost2$ + Mid$(NewPost1$, C, TabSize)<br> End If<br>Next<br>TTpost$ = "YYYYYYY" + Left$(NewPost2$, Len(NewPost2$) - 1) + "ZZZZZZZ"<br>Clipboard.SetText TTpost$, vbCFText<br>End Sub</font></b><br> <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= plain black box</a><br>