I found a formula to use that is helpful from Ken Hamady's web site. However I would like to edit it by doing away with the "days" and carry over that time to allow the "hours" portion to increase.
Here is the formula I'm using:
NumberVar TotalSec := Sum ({CallDetailRecord.duration});
NumberVar Days := Truncate (TotalSec / 86400);
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,86400) / 3600);
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,3600) / 60);
NumberVar Seconds := Remainder ( TotalSec , 60);
Totext ( Days, '00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Hours, '00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Minutes,'00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Seconds,'00', 0,'')
I'm a novice at this so please try to keep it simple.
Here is the formula I'm using:
NumberVar TotalSec := Sum ({CallDetailRecord.duration});
NumberVar Days := Truncate (TotalSec / 86400);
NumberVar Hours := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,86400) / 3600);
NumberVar Minutes := Truncate (Remainder ( TotalSec,3600) / 60);
NumberVar Seconds := Remainder ( TotalSec , 60);
Totext ( Days, '00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Hours, '00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Minutes,'00', 0,'') + ':'+
Totext ( Seconds,'00', 0,'')
I'm a novice at this so please try to keep it simple.