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Feb 19, 2001
I'm trying to format the Date/Time so it shows mmddhhmmss with each taking up to 2 chars. (so it'd look like 0708065822 instead of 7865822)

strDOB = month(date()) & day(date()) & hour(now()) & minute(now()) & second(now())

is what I'm currently using. Any suggestions? All I can think of is a bunch of IF ELSE Statements or a Function. Is there a anything like Format(Month(Date()), ##)?

Unfortunately there is no format function like that. FormatDate() will format it into specific formats but none of them are zero-padded like that. A few If-Thens will take care of it, though (placed in a function if you need to do it more than once).
Function PadDate(DateIn)
    Dim mm, dd, hh, nn, ss
    mm = Month(DateIn)
    If mm < 10 Then mm = &quot;0&quot; & mm
    dd = Day(DateIn)
    If dd < 10 Then dd = &quot;0&quot; & dd
    hh = Hour(DateIn)
    If hh < 10 Then hh = &quot;0&quot; & hh
    nn = Minute(DateIn)
    If nn < 10 Then nn = &quot;0&quot; & nn
    ss = Second(DateIn)
    If nn < 10 Then ss = &quot;0&quot; & ss
    PadDate = mm & dd & hh & nn & ss
End Function
It's better than the If-Then-Else method because it requires less string concatenation which should save processing time over the five &quot;PaddedDate = PaddedDate & x&quot; type of things.
This is about as short as I could make it
Function leadDigit(val)
If Len(val) = 1 Then
val = &quot;0&quot; & val
End If
leadDigit = val
End Function

Dim strDOB
'format to mmddhhmmss
strDOB = leadDigit(Month(now)) & leadDigit(Day(now)) & leadDigit(Hour(now))
strDOB = strDOB & leadDigit(Minute(now)) & leadDigit(Second(now))

Response.Write strDOB

remember this is not a valid date time format for as far as I know anything

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onpnt, your version would run faster if you replaced the Len(val) with val < 10 -- numeric comparison will be faster than virtually anything with strings, including Len() (even though it's effectively a pointer operation). Or so I've been told.
'I ended up using

Function leadDigit(val)
If val < 10 Then
val = &quot;0&quot; & val
End If
leadDigit = val
End Function

strDOB = Year(now) & leadDigit(month(now)) & leadDigit(day(now)) & _
leadDigit(hour(now)) & leadDigit(minute(now)) & leadDigit(second(now))

'Genimuse and onpnt, Thank you both for the help.

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