CR10 Excel spreadsheet as the data source
I have a cross tab that I have the following code converting a time value to HH:MM:
NumberVar totalmins := ({'CIO_Data_'.MEAN} * 60);
NumberVar dys := totalmins \ 1440;
NumberVar hrs := (totalmins mod 1440)\ 60;
numbervar totalhours := hrs + (dys * 24);
NumberVar mins := totalmins mod 60;
totext(totalhours,00) + ":" + totext(mins,00);
However if there is a 0 it suppresses it and displays the following:
9:1 instead of 09:10
How can I force the 0's?? I've tried a couple of things and I know this should be easy but I'm stuck.
I have a cross tab that I have the following code converting a time value to HH:MM:
NumberVar totalmins := ({'CIO_Data_'.MEAN} * 60);
NumberVar dys := totalmins \ 1440;
NumberVar hrs := (totalmins mod 1440)\ 60;
numbervar totalhours := hrs + (dys * 24);
NumberVar mins := totalmins mod 60;
totext(totalhours,00) + ":" + totext(mins,00);
However if there is a 0 it suppresses it and displays the following:
9:1 instead of 09:10
How can I force the 0's?? I've tried a couple of things and I know this should be easy but I'm stuck.