Is there any way to format the timestamp datatype into a normal time value? I have a time field that shows:
10:08:36 AM[/tt]
I'd like to display
10:08 AM[/tt]
I have tried substring and parsing the time apart, but when you convert to a string the : is replace with . and I lose the AM. So now it's starting to get convoluted trying to get the AM or PM....
I found a function on the IBM site ( that was suppose to do it but it's not correct...I get syntax errors when trying to run it on the iSeries....
when I run the syntax check on this I get the error:
[tt]Keyword RETURN not expected. Valid tokens: IS NO NOT NULL ALLOW FINAL READS CALLED DBINFO FENCED SOURCE. Cause . . . . . : The keyword RETURN was not expected here. A syntax error was detected at keyword RETURN.[/tt]
Any suggestions for getting the time in the correct format?
Have you met Hardy Heron?
10:08:36 AM[/tt]
I'd like to display
10:08 AM[/tt]
I have tried substring and parsing the time apart, but when you convert to a string the : is replace with . and I lose the AM. So now it's starting to get convoluted trying to get the AM or PM....
SELECT intvwid, intvwdate, casepre, casenum, intvwtime, char(intvwtime), substring(char(intvwtime), 1, position('.' in char(intvwtime))-1) ||':'|| substring(char(intvwtime), position('.' in char(intvwtime)) +1, 2)
create function ts_fmt(TS timestamp, fmt varchar(20))
returns varchar(50)
with tmp (dd,mm,yyyy,hh,mi,ss,nnnnnn) as
substr( digits (day(TS)),9),
substr( digits (month(TS)),9) ,
rtrim(char(year(TS))) ,
substr( digits (hour(TS)),9),
substr( digits (minute(TS)),9),
substr( digits (second(TS)),9),
from sysibm.sysdummy1
case fmt
when 'yyyymmdd'
then yyyy || mm || dd
when 'mm/dd/yyyy'
then mm || '/' || dd || '/' || yyyy
when 'yyyy/dd/mm hh:mi:ss'
then yyyy || '/' || mm || '/' || dd || ' ' ||
hh || ':' || mi || ':' || ss
when 'nnnnnn'
then nnnnnn
'date format ' || coalesce(fmt,' <null> ') ||
' not recognized.'
from tmp
when I run the syntax check on this I get the error:
[tt]Keyword RETURN not expected. Valid tokens: IS NO NOT NULL ALLOW FINAL READS CALLED DBINFO FENCED SOURCE. Cause . . . . . : The keyword RETURN was not expected here. A syntax error was detected at keyword RETURN.[/tt]
Any suggestions for getting the time in the correct format?
Have you met Hardy Heron?