Technical User
- Oct 10, 2002
- 132
Using select statement as suggested in a previous post I was able to format an auto fields prefix, but find the format would not stay when the form was reopened as the base tables feild format held nothing.
Select Case Me!Frame20
Case 1
Forms![Works Card Form]![Works No:].Format = ">A-" 'NSW
Case 2
Forms![Works Card Form]![Works No:].Format = ">V-" 'VICTORIA
.......... to
Case 7
Forms![Works Card Form]![Works No:].Format = ">E-" 'ENGINEERING SHOP
End Select
The prefix held on the initial form, but not once saved or reopened to the refernce number the prefix had gone.
Is it possible to format a tables field value to say >"B-" etc on selection of an input from a pop up table with option group selection and select case statement.
Would the code be
Table![Works Card Form]![Works No:].Format = ">V-" 'VICTORIA
Warm Regards
Using select statement as suggested in a previous post I was able to format an auto fields prefix, but find the format would not stay when the form was reopened as the base tables feild format held nothing.
Select Case Me!Frame20
Case 1
Forms![Works Card Form]![Works No:].Format = ">A-" 'NSW
Case 2
Forms![Works Card Form]![Works No:].Format = ">V-" 'VICTORIA
.......... to
Case 7
Forms![Works Card Form]![Works No:].Format = ">E-" 'ENGINEERING SHOP
End Select
The prefix held on the initial form, but not once saved or reopened to the refernce number the prefix had gone.
Is it possible to format a tables field value to say >"B-" etc on selection of an input from a pop up table with option group selection and select case statement.
Would the code be
Table![Works Card Form]![Works No:].Format = ">V-" 'VICTORIA
Warm Regards