Technical User
Have a form allowing for 2 entries of facts (Order #, Reason, Service, Dollar Amount, with a check box for Prof and Check box for Facility. If 2 entries are used, sometimes they can both be professional or both facility or a combination of the two. So, I have 4 check boxes on the form for Prof, Prof2, Fac and Fac2.
The check box is formatted as a yes or no. I have formatted my report to provide the number of yes or no’s for Facility and Professional.I.e,(=ABS(Sum([Professional])).
Question #1: Is there a way to only have the yes entries visible on my report rather than having an entry for each item, even though it is a no?
Question #2 How can I sum the Dollar amounts individually for total fac and total prof boxes checked? The dollar text boxes on the form and report are "Dollars, and Dollars2".
The check box is formatted as a yes or no. I have formatted my report to provide the number of yes or no’s for Facility and Professional.I.e,(=ABS(Sum([Professional])).
Question #1: Is there a way to only have the yes entries visible on my report rather than having an entry for each item, even though it is a no?
Question #2 How can I sum the Dollar amounts individually for total fac and total prof boxes checked? The dollar text boxes on the form and report are "Dollars, and Dollars2".