Crystal Reports ver. 9.2
We have a field in which we may enter long information. Occasionally we may enter returns into this field also, thus creating various paragraphs.
If we enter a return followed by "--UPDATE", we want "--UPDATE" printed in bold. Any suggestions?
I have tried the following two formulas and changed the formula to Text Interpretation to HTML Text.
1. replace ({PMMI.Minutes},"--UPDATE","<b>--UPDATE<b>")
2. replace ({PMMI.Minutes},"--UPDATE","<h4>--UPDATE")
The problem with either of these formulas is that loose all the returns that were entered into the field.
Does someone have a suggestion?
We have a field in which we may enter long information. Occasionally we may enter returns into this field also, thus creating various paragraphs.
If we enter a return followed by "--UPDATE", we want "--UPDATE" printed in bold. Any suggestions?
I have tried the following two formulas and changed the formula to Text Interpretation to HTML Text.
1. replace ({PMMI.Minutes},"--UPDATE","<b>--UPDATE<b>")
2. replace ({PMMI.Minutes},"--UPDATE","<h4>--UPDATE")
The problem with either of these formulas is that loose all the returns that were entered into the field.
Does someone have a suggestion?